Protect Yourself from Work Permit Fraud

Exposing fraudulent European work permit schemes and helping you stay safe

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We are NOT agents and we DO NOT sell visas or work permits. Our service is strictly for guidance on fraud prevention and verification of work permits provided by potentially fraudulent agents.

Our Mission

We aim to protect vulnerable individuals from falling victim to fraudulent work permit schemes, particularly those targeting Pakistani and Indian citizens with false promises of European work permits, especially for Norway. Our goal is to educate, inform, and provide verification services to prevent financial loss and disappointment.

What We Handle

  • Verification of work permit offers for Norway and other European countries
  • Education on legitimate job opportunities that can lead to valid work permits
  • Awareness about common fraudulent schemes in the work permit industry
  • Guidance on the proper channels for seeking employment in European countries

Our Services

  • Work permit verification: We can check the authenticity of work permits sold by agents
  • Video consultations: Learn about the legitimate process of obtaining work permits
  • Information sessions: Understand which jobs can actually provide valid visas
  • Fraud prevention advice: Tips on how to identify and avoid common scams

Protect Yourself from Fraud

Read this important information in your preferred language


Beware of agents offering work permits for jobs like fish farming, poultry factories, or other odd jobs in Norway or other European countries. These are often fraudulent schemes. Developed countries do not typically offer work visas for such positions to foreign workers. Always verify job offers and work permits through official channels before making any payments or commitments.


नॉर्वे या अन्य यूरोपीय देशों में मछली पालन, पोल्ट्री फैक्ट्रियों, या अन्य विचित्र नौकरियों के लिए वर्क परमिट की पेशकश करने वाले एजेंटों से सावधान रहें। ये अक्सर धोखाधड़ी की योजनाएं होती हैं। विकसित देश आमतौर पर विदेशी श्रमिकों को ऐसे पदों के लिए वर्क वीजा नहीं देते हैं। किसी भी भुगतान या प्रतिबद्धता से पहले हमेशा आधिकारिक चैनलों के माध्यम से नौकरी के प्रस्तावों और वर्क परमिट की पुष्टि करें।


ناروے یا دیگر یورپی ممالک میں مچھلی پالنے، پولٹری فیکٹریوں، یا دیگر عجیب و غریب ملازمتوں کے لیے ورک پرمٹ پیش کرنے والے ایجنٹوں سے ہوشیار رہیں۔ یہ اکثر دھوکہ دہی کی سکیمیں ہوتی ہیں۔ ترقی یافتہ ممالک عام طور پر غیر ملکی کارکنوں کو ایسے عہدوں کے لیے ورک ویزا نہیں دیتے۔ کسی بھی ادائیگی یا وعدے سے پہلے ہمیشہ سرکاری چینلز کے ذریعے ملازمت کی پیشکشوں اور ورک پرمٹس کی تصدیق کریں۔

Contact Us

Need help or verification? Contact us for a consultation or to verify your work permit offer.
